Open Source Projects
Projects that I created or maintaining
Which has been read by more than 2.3 million people, provides basic knowledge points about front-end engineering development, as well as an introductory learning guide for TypeScript, Vue 3, and Pinia.
A Vite plugin that adds a banner comment to the header of each chunk file.
Provides `Truncate`, `MiddleTruncate` and `ShowMore` React components for truncating multi-line spans and adding an ellipsis.
A tool to analyze your git repository's commit log. I can help you generate daily/weekly or longer work reports.
Opinionated collection of common JavaScript / TypeScript utils, fully tree shakeable, no bundler required, type strong, SSR friendly.
Website pageview analytics tool for framework-free and multi-analytics-platform support.
Website pageview analytics tool for Vue.js (Including VuePress , VitePress etc.) and multi-analytics-platform support.
A takeaway billing calculator, no need to worry about red envelopes, redemption coupons and other messy reductions, it will automatically calculate the discount ratio to get the final bill.
Zhihu Favorites Assistant can add articles from a column to favorites. It is suitable for situations where a large amount of content needs to be filled in the favorites at the initial stage of creation.
A patroller that regularly checks for expiring SSL certificates, based on Node.js and Porkbun APIs.
Contains code lists for ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2 as well as multi-language support.
ISO 639 language code mapping toolkit, which can easily help you manage language data.
Blackwork Tattoo style React UI layout (provides a unified interface for websites like my blog).